Summer school canceled by TPS


Summer school for Toledo Public Schools middle and high school students was canceled yesterday, but students aren't celebrating.

Some of them need credits to make up for being sick or for missing too much class or for other reasons so they can graduate in four years.

The program was canceled because of lack of interest from students, not because of the budget problems. Fewer than half of the students needed to run the program signed up for classes during the Monday and Tuesday enrollment period.

Students took advantage of new programs during the school year that let them make up credits after school or online, said Jim Gault, assistant superintendent of secondary education. Also, the $95-a-class cost in this tight economy might have kept down enrollment.

The summer program doesn't rely on district money but tries to break even through tuition. It needs about 350 students to run the program, but only about 160 signed up, Mr. Gault said.

Some students, including Sandra Newsome's 16-year-old daughter, needed the classes to make up credits lost because of illness. She said her daughter, who attends Bowsher High School, was out sick much of last school year. She signed up for classes this week but was shocked when the school told her classes were canceled.

"The problem is that they aren't helping the public," she said. "This is public school."