Owens Community College president to resign

Dr. Larry McDougle, President, honors Owens Community College athletic director Mike Rickard, who died suddenly in late December during a ceremony on the court on February 16, 2011.
Dr. Larry McDougle, President, honors Owens Community College athletic director Mike Rickard, who died suddenly in late December during a ceremony on the court on February 16, 2011.

Owens Community College President Larry McDougle announced Tuesday he will step down Sept. 30 because of his health.

Mr. McDougle, 70, suffered a heart attack over the Labor Day weekend, and discovered he had two clogged arteries, one nearly completely.

Doctors inserted a stint, and Mr. McDougle said he considers himself lucky he made it to a hospital and doctor’s caught his condition early.

Mr. McDougle said he was doing OK, but decided to step down from his position after consulting with his wife, doctor, and the college’s Board of Trustees.

“We all agreed it would best for me to step down and retire now rather than later,” he said.

He was hired as interim president Jan. 1, 2010, when former President Christa Adams retired. The interim tag was removed in June of 2010 after a nationwide search for a permanent president was unsuccessful.

He announced in June that he intended to step down June 30, 2012, when his contract ended.

“It was a difficult decision to make,” Mr. McDougle said of stepping down. “I have my enjoyed my time at Owens.”

Owens’ chief financial officer John Satkowski, who also serves as executive vice president of business affairs, was appointed as interim president starting Oct. 1, according to the college. The Board of Trustees hired a firm in June to conduct a search for the school’s next permanent president.