Teacher of the month: Lori Archer

Springfield High School

Lori Archer
Lori Archer

Lori Archer provides outstanding classroom instruction for the Algebra I through Honors Pre-Calculus students at Springfield High School. She has always been willing to teach all levels of math to all grades, serves on school improvement committees, and takes a leadership role in the building wellness initiative.

Lori is the Mathematics Department chairman and her students have consistently scored in the 90 percent range on the Ohio Graduation Test over the past three years. Along with another teacher, Lori developed the new ACT prep course that has improved the school's ACT profile. She was instrumental in the alignment of math courses during the transition to the new trimester master schedule.

"Lori's strength is getting people to work together to achieve at a high level," said Libby McIlwain, assistant principal. "This is not only true as she leads the math department to constantly improve and grow, but it is true in the classroom as she pushes her students to reach the next level of understanding."

Lori holds a BS in Math Education from Bowling Green State University.