Student of the week: Lucas Row

Clay High School

Lucas Row
Lucas Row


School subject: Chemistry

Extracurricular activity: Football

Hobbies: Athletics, reading

Car: Ford Fusion

Store: Dick's Sporting Goods

Musical artist: Big Ticket, Van Halen

Movie: Taken

TV show: Big Bang Theory


Cafeteria food must-have: Veggie fries

Last book read that wasn't required: Operation Napoleon by Arnaldur Irndridason

Pet peeve: Disrespect

Person most admired: My dad

Person I'd like to meet: Drew Brier

Items always in my locker: Sweatshirt

First job: Umpire

Top accomplishment: 2nd Team All-League in football


After-graduation plans: University of Cincinnati to study architecture

Career goal: Work for Lego

Quote from teacher: "Lucas Row continues to remind me of the tremendous abilities and potential of students who combine outstanding work ethic, dedication, and perseverance into everything they do," said Benjamin Pfeiffer, science teacher. "He not only creates the best in himself, he brings out the best in all those around him."

-- Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.