Student of the week: Paige Willey

Maumee Valley Country Day School

Paige Willey
Paige Willey


School subject: U.S. history and French

Extracurricular activity: Young Republicans Club

Hobbies: Following the news, playing tennis, reading, Quiz Bowl

Store: Bookstores

Musical artist: The Strokes

Movie: The Royal Tenebaums

TV show: Gossip Girl or Mad Men


Cafeteria food must-have: Oranges

Last book read that wasn't required: Look at the Birdie by Kurt Vonnegut

Pet peeve: Apathy and willful ignorance

Person most admired: Alexander Hamilton or Henry Clay

Person I'd like to meet: Robert McNamara or Charles Baudelaire

Items always in my locker: Portrait of Ronald Reagan

First job: Summer lab technician

Top accomplishment: Co-authorship on two scientific abstracts or Highest Honors at Mid-American Model U.N.


After-graduation plans: I am hoping to major in linguistics and study abroad in France as an undergraduate; then perhaps attend medical school.

Career goal: Enter academia as a physician or linguist, concentrating on research

Quote from teacher: "Paige is the kind of student that makes life in the classroom enjoyable and dynamic," said Kenneth M. Meinecke, science department chairman. "She is confident and assertive and never afraid to express her ideas or challenge an assertion that is unsupported."