Student of the week: Molly Wheeler

Northview High School

Molly Wheeler
Molly Wheeler


School subject: Definitely math

Extracurricular activity: Water polo and swim team.

Hobbies: Going to school sporting events (soccer and football especially!), baking, playing cards

Car: Anything hybrid

Store: Dillards

Musical artist: No favorite artist, but I love all music from Wicked

Movie: The Blind Side

TV show: The Big Bang Theory


Cafeteria food must-have: Northview cafeteria cookies

Last book read that wasn’t required: Mockingjay (Hunger Games Series)

Pet peeve: When people dawdle in the hallways at school.

Person most admired: Grandma (Wilma Wheeler)

Person I’d like to meet: Sandra Bullock

Items always in my locker: Closed-toe shoes for chemistry lab.

First job: Lifeguard at Sylvania Natatorium

Top accomplishment: Being selected by the Northview faculty as the school’s representative to Buckeye Girls’ State.


After-graduation plans: I hope to attend Ohio Northern University, Butler University, or the University of Toledo for pharmacy.

Career goal: To become a licensed pharmacist.

Quote from teacher: “Molly is a phenomenal role model for her fellow students,” said Stacie Wachowiak, counselor. “She is diligent and meticulous with her school work and pursues excellence in all that she does.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.