Student of the week: Mara Momenee

Bowsher High School

Mara Momenee
Mara Momenee


School subject: Math

Extracurricular activity: Soccer

Hobbies: Tie-dying

Car: Mini-Cooper

Store: American Eagle

Musical artist: Too many to choose from

Movie: She’s The Man

TV show: What Not to Wear


Cafeteria food must-have: None...I pack

Last book read that wasn’t required: Angels and Demons

Pet peeve: Persistent texters

Person most admired: Manti Te’o

Person I’d like to meet: President Obama

Items always in my locker: Bowsher shorts and face paint

First job: Busser at Manhattan’s Restaurant


After-graduation plans: I plan to attend the University of Notre Dame to major in environmental science, study abroad, and possibly join the Peace Corps.

Career goal: Positively impact the environment and be well off so I can travel the world.

Quote from teacher: “Mara is a phenomenal young lady,” said Linda Meyers, principal. “She is an excellent student with a 4.8 GPA, an outstanding athlete, and a member of the Superintendent’s Leadership Team. She is always looking for ways to build school moral and encourage students to be proud of their school by taking part in school activities. She is well respected by the student population as demonstrated recently when she became this year’s Homecoming Queen.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.