Teacher of the month: Chris Leonard

Ida High School


Chris Leonard exhibits excellent teaching qualities. When it comes to instruction, he is an educator who knows what he has taught, what he is teaching today, and what he will be teaching tomorrow. He has a genuine interest in his students and strives to make each one of them successful. In addition to his work in the classroom, he also coaches, which allows him to work with students in a non-academic setting.

Mr. Leonard is pursuing a masters degree in educational leadership. He co-chairs the school improvement and NCA steering committee. He is a malleable member of the social studies department, as well as the 9th grade group committee. He has just completed an outstanding first year as the junior varsity football coach.

“I would characterize Mr. Leonard as a dedicated young professional,” said Thomas Dykstra, principal. “He is a hard working individual who can be counted on 100%. It is without hesitation that I select Mr. Chris Leonard for the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West Teacher of the Month.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.