Jackman Road Ele­men­tary sched­ules hol­i­day ba­zaar


The Jack­man Road Ele­men­tary PTO has sched­uled its an­nual hol­i­day craft ba­zaar from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 1 at the school, 8008 Jack­man Rd.

It is a ma­jor fund-raiser for the PTO and fea­tures more than 70 ven­dors along with con­ces­sions and a raf­fle. Space is avail­able for ven­dors. More in­for­ma­tion is avail­able from Toni at rollins7112@msn.com.

Ben­e­fit raises $11,700for can­cer re­search

The first Canter for the Cure at Hunter’s Run Sta­bles in Tem­per­ance raised $11,700 for pan­cre­atic can­cer re­search in mem­ory of Ar­lene Bates Toyne, owner of the sta­bles and Travel World Tours, who died of the dis­ease last year.