Student of the week: Daniel Lenart

St. Francis de Sales High School

Daniel Lenart
Daniel Lenart


School subject: Chemistry

Extracurricular activity: Track and field

Hobbies: Ping-pong

Car: Ford Taurus SHO

Store: Kroger

Musical artist: Green Day

Movie: Lord of the Rings

TV show: Scrubs


Cafeteria food must-have: Chocolate milk

Last book read that wasn’t required: Eragon by Christopher Paotini

Pet peeve: When people fail to follow through on commitments.

Person most admired: Pope John Paul II

Person I’d like to meet: Steve Prefontaine

Items always in my locker: Lots of extra paper.

First job: Mowing grass


After-graduation plans: I plan to attend a quality college and hopefully earn a degree in pharmacy while continuing to run on the varsity track and cross country teams.

Career goal: I hope to have a career in pharmacy that makes me happy and allows me to support my family.

Quote from teacher: “Dan has unlimited potential because of his willingness to do the little things necessary to achieve his goals,” said Rich Uram, AP chemistry teacher. “He is a fantastic student with a great work ethic both in the classroom and in his extracurricular activities. He is a kind and responsible gentleman.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.