Student of the week: Hunter Baehren

Southview High School

Hunter Baehren
Hunter Baehren


School subject: U.S. history

Extracurricular activities: Speech and debate

Hobbies: Sailing, skiing, playing viola

Car: 2000 Chevy Venture

Store: H&M

Musical artist: Snow Patrol

Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

TV show: Modern Family


Cafeteria food must-have: Grilled cheese

Last book read that wasn’t required: Super Freakonomics

Pet peeve: Complainers

Person most admired: My father

Person I’d like to meet: Chuck Norris

Items always in my locker: Coffee


After-graduation plans: Attend college with a major in finance.

Career goal: Becoming head of a major corporation.

Quote from teacher: “Hunter is a young man of exceptional talent and character,” said Paul Moffitt, English teacher and debate coach. “Whether he’s studying his coursework, preparing for debate, playing viola, or running Student Senate, he attacks everything with passion and humor. He is quick to help others and his optimism is infectious. His greatest strength, however, is that he faces adversity with a spirit and strength that few adults, let alone teenagers, possess.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.