Student of the week: Blake White

Lake High School

Blake White
Blake White


School subject: Science

Extracurricular activities: Football, National Honor Society

Hobbies: Snowmobiling, paintballing, football

Car: Mustang GT

Store: Walmart

Musical artist: Richy Nix

Movie: The Gladiator

TV show: Walking Dead


Cafeteria food must-have: Cold sandwiches

Last book read that wasn’t required: All Quiet on the Western Front

Pet peeve: My car being dirty

Person most admired: My dad

Person I’d like to meet: John McCain

Items always in my locker: Gym bag

First job: Holiday Inn French Quarter

Top accomplishment: Saving money to buy my first car.


After-graduation plans: Go to Kettering University for mechanical engineering.

Career goal: Become a successful mechanical engineer.

Quote from teacher: “Blake is a student in every aspect of the word,” said Tyler Bates, chemistry/physics teacher. “It is obvious that education is important to him and his family.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.