Student of the week: Seth Kirchner

Monroe Jefferson High School

Seth Kirchner
Seth Kirchner


School subject: Physics

Extracurricular activity: Football

Hobbies: Trap and skeet shooting

Car: Ford Mustang

Store: Oakley Outlet

Musical artist: The Black Kats

Movie: Forrest Gump or Shawshank Redemption

TV show: Breaking Bad


Cafeteria food must-have: Bacon cheeseburgers

Last book read that wasn’t required: Lone Survivor

Pet peeve: People who say “like” a lot

Person most admired: My grandfather, Peter Kirchner

Person I’d like to meet: Rich Froning

Items always in my locker: Water and peanut butter

First job: Weight room supervisor at Jefferson Rec Center


After-graduation plans: Attend West Point and become an officer; possibly attend Ranger School.

Career goal: Engineering in the military.

Quote from teacher: “An old cliché exists that says, ‘If you need something important done, ask someone who is busy.’ For senior, Seth Kirchner, that axiom fits him perfectly,” said Dave Sontag, counselor. “He is as polite and genuine as any student who has walked through the doors at Jefferson High School. By being ranked in the top 20 percentacademically in his class, Seth is separated in many other areas other than the academic spectrum. He is good natured, personified humility, and strives to be a quality person.” According to physics teacher, Philip Speare, “Seth displays all the qualities of a successful young man. He is the first person at Jefferson to be a physics independent study so he can excel further. At the same, he can prep and run a quality lab for the general physics students.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.