Student of the week: Bailee Raber

Otsego High School

Bailee Raber
Bailee Raber


School subject: History/Government

Extracurricular activities: Student Council president, Key Club president, Teen Court member

Hobbies: Working and writing

Car: DeLorean A Flux Compacitor

Store: Finders

Musical artist: Mumford and Sons

Movie: The Departed

TV show: How I Met Your Mother


Cafeteria food must-have: Cheese-filled breadsticks

Last book read that wasn’t required: Steve Jobs, A Man Who Thought Different

Pet peeve: When I’m talking to someone and they are on the phone.

Person most admired: Deb Kendall

Person I’d like to meet: Ashley Rhodes Carter

Items always in my locker: Old coffee cups

First job: Tanlines Salon - Maumee

Top accomplishment: Student of the Month


After-graduation plans: I plan to attend a university or college and major in sociology or poli-sci.

Career goal: I hope to one day become a family law attorney, or President of the United States, whichever one happens first.

Quote from teacher: “Bailee embodies the Otsego spirit by actively participating in school activities as well as community service projects,” said Julie Danko, American Government teacher. “She also has an inquisitive nature which makes her a delight to have in class.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.