Student of the week: Susana Martinez

Ottawa Hills High School

Susana Martinez
Susana Martinez


School subject: Spanish

Extracurricular activity: Softball

Hobbies: Reading, traveling, baking

Car: Scion XB

Store: Forever 21

Musical artist: John Mayer

Movie: The Sound of Music

TV show: Friends


Cafeteria food must-have: Pizza

Last book read that wasn’t required: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Pet peeve: When people chew on pencils.

Person most admired: My Godmother, Susanne

Person I’d like to meet: Rafael Nadal

Items always in my locker: An umbrella

First job: Babysitting

Top accomplishment: Going to Guatemala on a mission trip.


After-graduation plans: I hope to attend Ohio State University and study Spanish or medicine.

Career goal: Although I am undecided about which career I want to pursue, I hope I can travel and help others through medicine, education, or social work.

Quote from teacher: “Susana is a compassionate, conscientious, and dedicated student,” said Benjamin McMurray, Principal. “Our faculty and staff appreciate her thoughtful contributions to class and her efforts to create a positive school climate.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.