Teacher of the month: Shayla Smith

Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West at Maumee High School


As a high school special education teacher, Shayla Smith has great rapport with students, parents, colleagues, and administration. Her initiative and willingness to take on additional responsibilities and assignments reflect her dedication to her students. She captures the true needs of her students in the reports she writes, submitting them early on most occasions.

She volunteers her time to supervise the after school bowling club, and coordinates the carpool program to optimize students’ participation in after school activities. As an Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West teacher, Shayla has successfully linked the special education program with Maumee High School students and staff-inclusion collaboration for a common activity like cooking in the daily living program, and advocating for a student social graduation.

“Miss Smith is an A-1 teacher who demonstrates professional demeanor in every school and school-related undertaking,” said Al Umali, student services supervisor. Miss Smith holds a bachelor’s degree in special education from the University of Toledo and a master’s in education from Heidelberg University.