Teacher of the month: Diane Thorpe

Bowsher High School

Diane Thorpe
Diane Thorpe

Diane Thorpe is an outstanding art educator who has dedicated her life to a career in which she brings her love of art to her students through clay, jewelry making and painting. She continually showcases hr student’s work throughout the school and community by encouraging them and entering their artwork in a variety of local and state art exhibitions. She provides support to the school in her role as senior class advisor and by organizing the annual craft fair. Upon reflecting on Diane’s credentials, it is obvious that this professional is a very organized individual, a natural born leader and a true advocate for the arts. She is an extremely hard worker and a dedicated professional - a real role model for all educators.

Mrs. Thorpe is currently the Art Department Chair at Bowsher High School and has served as co-director for the Regional Focus Show. She is very active in the Northwest Ohio Art Education Association and the Ohio Art Education Association; she has served the OAEA as a Regional Director, County Contact, Local Convention Committee member, PR Chairperson, and Regional Chair for the Ohio High School Exhibition. She is a presenter, hosting NWOAEA workshops, and has served as the Local Ohio Convention Coordinator for two local conventions. In addition, Mrs. Thorpe has volunteered to be the Toledo OAEA Convention Coordinator for 2013. It is no wonder she was selected as the 2001 Outstanding Art Educator by the NWOAEA and Outstanding Secondary Art Educator in 2004. This past November, she was inducted into the Ohio Art Education Association Distinguished Fellows.

“There is no other teacher who cares more for their students or gives more to their community and profession than Diane Thorpe,” said Linda Meyers, Principal. “We are fortunate to have an educator of her caliber as a faculty member at Bowsher High School.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.