Teacher of the month: Julie Gemmel

Jefferson High School

Julie Gemmel
Julie Gemmel

Julie Gemmel is a hardworking teacher who always puts her students first. She is constantly helping every student -- even if that student is not in her class, and holds tutoring sessions every week after school. Her great personality and willingness to do whatever is asked of her with a smile make her an unbeatable teacher. She knows the needs of her students and conveys information well, answering endless questions along the way. She gives up many hours or her own time each month as she help numerous students after school. She is friendly and approachable, and would never let her students down if it is in her power to help.

Mrs. Gemmel implemented the energy conservation program in the Jefferson school district. “The goal is to save money in energy costs throughout the entire school district,” she said. “Those funds that are saved could be put back into the classroom where they belong.”

She also created the Algebra II Fundamentals Program as part of her master’s project. It is designed to help at-risk students to increase their chances of graduation. She has been a class advisor for eight years and currently serves as the senior class advisor.

As if her days weren’t full enough, Julie volunteers one evening every week as a mentor/math tutor for the Community Success Academy in Monroe. The target of the project is to help at-risk students in the community who are falling behind academically. The program encourages students back on the right path and gives them the extra help needed to do that.

“Julie is an outstanding educator,” said Dave Vensel, Principal. “She has high expectations for all of her students. She really gets kids excited about learning math.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.