Student of the week: Trevor Walsh

Lake High School

Trevor Walsh
Trevor Walsh


School subject: Math

Extracurricular activity: Play and musical

Hobbies: Community service, video games

Car: Camaro

Store: Walmart

Musical artist: Sia

Movie: Elf

TV show: The Office


Cafeteria food must-have: Pizza

Last book read that wasn’t required: The Death Cure - Maze Runner Trilogy

Pet peeve: Playing with hair

Person most admired: My mother, she had to put up with me!

Person I’d like to meet: Betty White

Items always in my locker: Something to write with and a notebook.

First job: Intern at Food for Thought.

Top accomplishment: Starting an Annual 5K run/walk event.


After-graduation plans: Attending an undecided university majoring in accounting.

Career goal: To be able to be a leader in a business or even start my own if I can.

Quote from teacher: “Trevor is more motivated than any student I have had in years,” said Melissa Edwards, English teacher. “He is organized, responsible, and mature beyond his years. Trevor is quick to help others and enjoys the idea of giving back to his community.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.