Student of the week: Eric Morgel

St. Mary Catholic Central High School

Eric Morgel
Eric Morgel


School subject: History

Extracurricular activities: National Honor Society president and boys’ cross country team captain

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, running, and listening to music

Car: 2002 Ford Escape

Store: American Eagle

Musical artist: The Beatles

Movie: The King’s Speech

TV show: Grimm


Cafeteria food must-have: Gatorade

Last book read that wasn’t required: A Lion Among Men

Person most admired: Pope John Paul II

Person I’d like to meet: Leo Tolstoy

Items always in my locker: Note cards

Top accomplishment: Getting a score of 5 on my AP U.S. History exam


After-graduation plans: I plan on attending the University of Michigan where I’ll major in history.

Career goal: My ultimate career goal is to become a history professor.

Quote from teacher: “Eric Morgel has a wonderful ability to balance his academic, extracurricular, and service activities and do them well,” Tamara Johnson, college counselor, said. “He is an excellent scholar and athlete and is very involved at SMCC and within his greater community. Eric is a well-rounded, natural leader who has been, and continues to be, an asset to the SMCC Community. The future university that he chooses will be fortunate to have a student like him.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.