Student of the week: Dylan Tan

Springfield High School

Dylan Tan
Dylan Tan


School subjects: Physics, anatomy

Extracurricular activities: Varsity tennis, Science Olympiad, National Honor Society

Hobbies: Reading manga, tennis, ping pong, video games

Car: Mario’s go-kart

Store: Gamestop

Musical artist: Linken Park

Movie: A Midnight in Paris

TV show: Big Bang Theory


Cafeteria food must-have: Vanilla ice-cream cup

Last book read that wasn’t required: A Manga’s Guide to Electricity

Pet peeve: Loud people/places and hypocrites

Person most admired: Mr. Schall (physics teacher), my parents

Person I’d like to meet: Commander Shepard, Novak Djockovic

Items always in my locker: Gloves

First job: Elementary school tutor

Top accomplishment: Getting the chance to dissect a cadaver at University of Toledo’s Advanced Anatomical Institute.


After-graduation plans: Attend the University of Chicago or an East Coast school and double major in physics/biology.

Career goal: Attend medical school and become a cardiothoracic surgeon.

Quote from teacher: “Dylan is one of the most outstanding students I have worked with in my 27 years in education,” said Tim Reiser, counselor. “He is a hard working, reliable, true role model for our student body.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.