Student of the week: Aaron Grosswiler

Emmanuel Christian School

Aaron Grosswiler
Aaron Grosswiler


School subject: Physics

Extracurricular activity: Golf

Hobbies: Video games

Store: Game Stop

Musical artist: Bon Jovi

Movie: The Patriot

TV show: Person of Interest


Last book read that wasn’t required: The Art of War, Sun Tzu

Pet peeve: When somebody starts texting while I am talking to them.

Person most admired: Andrew Carnegie

Person I’d like to meet: Bill Clinton

First job: None


After-graduation plans: After graduation, I plan on attending the University of Toledo for a degree in mechanical engineering.

Career goal: My career goal is to work in the defense contracting industry for a company such as Boeing, and possibly start my own in the future.

Quote from teacher: “Aaron has demonstrated a desire to learn by enrolling in online classes, taking post-secondary classes, and AP classes,” said Robert Flamm, principal. “His maturity and responsibility are qualities that will be an asset to him at the next level of his education.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.