Cross-river rivalry lures students to fishing event


The Heisman Trophy sits in the Maumee High School trophy case with a high-protection glass container and security camera, but beside the prestigious college football award is the 2012 Fishing Tournament second-place traveling trophy between Maumee and Perrysburg high schools.

“We need to defend [the first-place] trophy,” Perrysburg Superintendent Tom Hosler said. “Everyone knows when you catch walleye on the Perrysburg side it tastes better. Not sure why. It is just a fact that fish tastes better on our side than theirs.”

Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. groups from the two schools again will stand in the Maumee River and find out who will earn the first and second-place trophy. The competition will take place at the Side Cut Rotary Pavilion, Side Cut Metropark, 1025 W. River Rd. in Maumee.

Perrysburg won last year by total weight.

“It is fun to have the friendly rivalry without the fierce competition like on the football field,” Larry Caffro, Maumee High School principal, said. “It gives students the opportunity to enjoy our natural resources in our area.”

The tournament idea began with Perrysburg Junior High custodian Brett Queen and Mr. Hosler.

“I don't know how it started, but we were talking about fishing and [Mr. Hosler] said he didn't know how and I told him, ‘come down to the river and I'll show you how,’” Mr. Queen said.

Mr. Queen also pointed out that Mr. Hosler's son was able to catch fish faster than Mr. Hosler the first time he joined them. Mr. Hosler said Mr. Queen, a 2003 Perrysburg graduate, wanted to get the students to enjoy the Maumee River.

“A lot of people don't realize the great resource we have here. I didn't realize it until after I graduated,” Mr. Queen said. “It is cool how other staff members get involved. Mr. Hosler broke the stereotype for fishing, it is from the superintendent to the average person.”

Registration must be made by the end of the school day Thursday at either school.

Mr. Hosler said if the water level is too high, or weather conditions are too cold, the tournament could be rescheduled to May 4.