Student of the week: Ashlee Campbell

Dundee High School

Ashlee Campbell
Ashlee Campbell


School subject: Math

Extracurricular activity: Soccer

Hobbies: Soccer, reading, baking

Car: Silver 2012 Camaro convertible

Store: American Eagle

Musical artist: Fun

Movie: The Notebook

TV show: How I Met Your Mother


Cafeteria food must-have: Nachos and cheese

Last book read that wasn’t required: The Hunger Games Trilogy

Pet peeve: When kids tap their pencils/feet etc. in class

Person most admired: My mom

Person I’d like to meet: Bethany Hamilton

Items always in my locker: A water bottle

First job: Housekeeper at Holiday Inn Dundee

Top accomplishment: Getting accepted into the National Honor Society


After-graduation plans: Go to college and get an education in primary education and minor in Spanish. I hope to live in Spain, preferable Barcelona

Career goal: Teach English to Spanish speaking children in Spain. Become a third or fourth-grade teacher so I can help them early on to get acquainted with the language.

Quote from teacher: “Ashlee is an exceptional student who consistently exceeds all expectations in language,” said Kristyn Roggelin, Spanish teacher. “She is an intrinsically motivated learner who demands perfection from herself at all of her language abilities. Ashlee performs at the post-secondary level and is among the highest of all students in my 13-year career.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.