Student of the week: Eric Brown

Clay High School

Eric Brown.
Eric Brown.


School subject: Physics

Extracurricular activity: National Honor Society, tennis

Hobbies: Tennis, golf, basketball

Car: Cadillac CTS Coupe

Store: Dick’s Sporting Goods

Musical artist: Fall Out Boy

Movie: Coach Carter

TV show: Castle


Cafeteria food must-have: Popcorn chicken

Pet peeve: When people chew with their mouth open

Person most admired: My grandfather

Person I’d like to meet: Rodger Federer

Items always in my locker: Gum

Top accomplishment: Second Team All District Division I in tennis



After-graduation plans: Attend the University of Toledo and enter the bioengineering program

Career goal: To make prosthetics to help handicapped people with their everyday lives.

Quote from teacher: “Eric is an energetic, positive, outgoing student who challenges himself to be the best,” said Kathleen Jeskey, science teacher.

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.