Student of the week: Corey Fink

Rogers High School

Corey Fink
Corey Fink


School subject: Calculus

Extracurricular activities: Track, Teen Outreach Program (TOP)

Hobbies: Running, going to the gym, tutoring

Car: Who needs a car when you have a nice pair of running shoes?

Store: Second Sole Running Shop

Musical artist: None: I’m not really into music.

Movie: The Ron Clark Story

TV show: Phineas and Ferb


Cafeteria food must-have: Fresh fruit (like bananas)

Last book read that wasn’t required: Run to Overcome

Pet peeve: People who refer to 5K races as marathons. There’s a difference of 23.1 miles!

Person most admired: Meb Keflezighi

Person I’d like to meet: Meb Keflezighi

Items always in my locker: Books!

First job: Tutoring my track coach’s son

Top accomplishment: Earning UT’s Presidential Scholarship. Only 4 people receive it from an international field of applicants.


After-graduation plans: Attending the University of Toledo and majoring in secondary education with a focus in math. I’ll live on campus and be a part of the Honors College.

Career goal: My goal is to become a high school math teacher as well as a cross country/track coach. I hope to be able to find a career in my hometown of Toledo.

Quote from teacher: “Corey is one of our most beloved and admired students not only because of his academic achievements but because of his authenticity, maturity and compassion as well,” said Trudie Neely, guidance counselor. “He is an asset to the Rogers High School community and a fine example of what TPS has to offer.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.