Sauder Village offers students unique learning opportunities


ARCHBOLD, Ohio — Nearly 14,000 children, teachers, and chaperones from 167 schools have visited Sauder Village since it opened for the season April 30, said Andi Erbskorn, curator of education.

A popular place for field trips, the lessons students can learn from a trip to the village can encompass many subjects and material, Ms. Erbskorn said.

“A trip to Sauder Village can cover math, science, technology, literacy,” she said.

School districts from as far as two hours away send students to Sauder Village for the many lessons the museum has to offer. From visiting an old-time house where butter is being made, to learning geometry by watching quilters assemble pieces into a specific pattern, the village offers a broad range of experiences.

“We tell stories about our region’s history, but we always try to make them relevant to today’s audiences. By seeing the everyday life of our ancestors brought to life, students can connect with the people of the past,” Ms. Erbskorn said.

She said many teachers appreciate the curriculum because it helps bring Ohio history to life.

Michelle Johnson, a third-grade teacher at Evergreen Elementary, said the village’s programs connect classroom learning to real-life examples.

“We found that it was a very beneficial way to give the kids a real, contextual review of what Ohio history actually was,” she said.

Educational programming is assembled in various way, to appeal to multiple learning styles.

“Students learn in a variety of ways, and often some of the strongest impressions are made not by what they read on a page, but what they can see or feel or touch or smell for themselves,” Ms. Erbskorn said.

Supplementing teachings from textbooks that cover regional and Ohio history also is something on which the educational department of Sauder Village focuses.

The village features presentations from artisans, including quilters, woodworkers, potters, blacksmiths, and more. Ms. Johnson said learning about apprenticeships and trades are two things her students consistently discuss after a visit.

“They have always traditionally loved watching the craftsmen work,” she said.

Contact Kelly McLendon at:, 419-724-6522, or on Twitter @KMcBlade.