Student of the week: Benjamin Swartz

Lake High School

Benjamin Swartz
Benjamin Swartz


School subject: History

Extracurricular activity: Football, basketball, track

Hobbies: Hanging out with my friends

Car: My car, 1996 Oldsmobile Ciera

Store: MC Sports

Musical artist: Eminem

Movie: Remember The Titans

TV show: Sportscenter


Cafeteria food must-have: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Last book read that wasn't required: Angels and Demons

Pet peeve: When people complain all the time.

Person most admired: My football and track coach, Coach Kaple

Person I'd like to meet: Lebron James

Items always in my locker: A water bottle

First job: Mowing lawns for my grandpa

Top accomplishment: Breaking 5 school records


After-graduation plans: I plan to go to Bowling Green State University with an undecided major.

Career goal: To get a good job and raise a family.

Quote from teacher: "Ben is a very dedicated and organized student," said Melissa Edwards, English teacher. "He places his education above all other priorities and manages his time very well."

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.