Student of the week: Ellen Dziubek

Notre Dame Academy

Ellen Dziubek
Ellen Dziubek


School subject: Culture and literature

Extracurricular activity: Musical and Student Council

Hobbies: Making movies

Car: Anything with good gas mileage

Store: Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, Old Navy

Musical artist: The Strokes

Movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape

TV show: Once Upon A Time


Cafeteria food must-have: Bosco sticks or cookies

Pet peeve: When people use the words minus and plus instead of subtract and add

Person most admired: My grandmother

Person I'd like to meet: Johnny Depp

Items always in my locker: My NDA blazer

First job: Pool snack bar

Top accomplishment: 2nd place in the Toyota Teen Driver Video Contest 2012.


After-graduation plans: Attend DePaul University as a digital cinema major, with a concentration in cinema production.

Career goal: To pursue some kind of career in the film industry.

Quote from teacher: "Ellen is well liked and respected by her peers and adults," said Dr. Lisa Lucilio, social studies teacher. "I know her to be a young woman of great integrity, inspiration, and loyalty. I believe Ellen to be sincere, honest, and a young woman of immense values. I am honored and privileged to have experienced Ellen as a student in the classroom and now as a young woman embarking on the next phase of her life."

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.