Oregon superintendent hopefuls meet public


The Oregon Board of Education introduced two potential successors to Superintendent Michael Zalar to about 35 residents and district employees Tuesday.

Deborah Piotrowski, a Toledo native now superintendent of the Xenia Community Schools in southwest Ohio, and Lonny Rivera, principal at Wayne Trail Elementary in Maumee, introduced themselves in the Clay High School Media Center, then took questions.

Ms. Piotrowski stressed her experience as a superintendent and community outreach work in Xenia. Mr. Rivera, who has worked in Toledo, Oregon, and Maumee public schools for 17 years and grew up in Oregon, underscored his familiarity with the community.

The board will make its choice at a meeting Thursday at 7 p.m., board President P.J. Kapfhammer said. The superintendent's contract is expected to start Aug. 1; pay is likely to be close to the $119,000 Mr. Zalar had received.