Public sought in naming trailer used to teach local children fire safety

  • WEBPerry-kidsfiresafety10p-17

    WEBPerry kidsfiresafety10p Carter Williams, 5, of Rossford, center, cralws beneath a blanket which Penta students shook to simulate smoke during a fire safety training session put on for the kindergardeners by Pentaƕs Public Safety/EMT-Fire Science program Wednesday at the school. Students hosted two sessions of preschoolers to teach them fire safety tips, including stop, drop and roll, family evacuation plans and fire gear demonstrations. Perrysburg Township Fire Department helped the students execute the drills and donated a smoke detector to each child. THE BLADE/KATIE RAUSCH

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  • Perrysburg Township fire department officials are asking the public to name a trailer that is used to teach local children fire safety.  

    The trailer was donated by Cousino Harris Disaster Kleenup, 26901 Eckel Rd. For the past year, officials have used it at different events as a hands-on learning experience for children.

    "I am able to allow kids to grab and hold fire hoses there, and it has [fake] flames they can knock out," township fire inspector Keith Feeney said. "The fire safety trailer is a hands on safety course."

    Children also are taught two different ways to get out of a house that is on fire,  how to crawl in a smoke-filled house, and kitchen safety.

    The fire safety trailer is taken to different events in the township by fire department officials as a educational tool and for fun for children. 

    From now until Sept. 6 ideas for names can be submitted to Perrysburg Commons at 10542 Fremont Pike or by calling 419-874-1931. The winning entry will be announced Sept 15 at 12:30 p.m. at the Northcoast Big Band Event at Perrysburg Commons. The person that submitted the winning entry will receive a prize.

    "The ladies at Perrysburg Commons  ...thought it would be fun and interesting for people to name the trailer instead of keep calling it the spray trailer," inspector Feeney said.

    Contact Matt Thompson at:, 419-356-8786, or on Twitter at @mthompson25.