New school food is old school healthy

Perrysburg compliant with Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Debra Wissinger, head manager, left, and MaryJo Ireland, kitchen assistant, right, at Fort Meigs Elementary School.
Debra Wissinger, head manager, left, and MaryJo Ireland, kitchen assistant, right, at Fort Meigs Elementary School.

The new federal school meal requirements implemented this past school year were the first significant changes to the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs in more than 15 years. All meals and snacks served at Perrysburg Schools have been nutritionally analyzed and meet the Federal and State (SB210) requirements.

“The implementation went smoothly this year,” said Lila Szozda, Perrysburg director of Child Nutrition Services. “We are now preparing for the next wave of requirements, which will be enforced beginning with the 2014-15 school year.”

USDA Food and Nutrition Service Administrator Audrey Rowe joined students for lunch at Perrysburg High School this past school year in September and April. Rowe highlighted USDA’s new healthier school meals standards, which are a key component of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Lunches served this year were down about 6% due to not having kindergarteners every other day all day, a few calamity days and the new nutritional requirements. Other districts have seen lower lunches served as well this past year. Free and reduced lunch participation rates remain consistent at about 13% for the year.