Student of the week: Michael Geisler

Ottawa Hills High School

Michael Geisler
Michael Geisler


School subject: U.S. Government and Politics and French

Extracurricular activity: Model United Nations

Hobbies: Reading books, hanging out with friends, discussing politics

Car: Aston Martin Vanquish

Store: Schorling's

Musical artist: Mat Kearney

Movie: A Few Good Men

TV show: The Office



Cafeteria food must-have: Chick-fil-A

Last book read that wasn't required: The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Pet peeve: When people spell "defiantly" instead of "definitely"

Person I'd like to meet: Governor Rick Perry

Person most admired: Chief Justice William Rehnquist

Items always in my locker: Copy of the Constitution

First job: Soccer referee

Top accomplishment: Attend the American Legion Buckeye Boy's State



After-graduation plans: I want to go to college on the east coast. After college, I want to go to law school and then get my Ph.D. in International Relations, and join the Navy JAG Corps.

Career goal: I want to work in the government in some facet, especially in the State Department. My dream job is to become the U.S. Ambassador to France.

Quote from teacher: "At Ottawa Hills, we have great respect for Michael as a well-rounded student with exceptional leadership skills," said Benjamin S. McMurray, Principal. "His passion, intellect, and dedication are just a few of his attributes that make him stand out among his peers. We appreciate all he does to make a difference at the school and in the community."

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.