Student of the week: Melissa Schoenlein

Perrysburg High School

Melissa Schoenlein.
Melissa Schoenlein.


School subject: Calculus

Extracurricular activity: Marching band

Hobbies: Reading, playing the flute

Store: Books-A-Million

Musical artist: Christina Perry

Movie: Mulan

TV show: Criminal Minds


Cafeteria food must-have: Mashed potato bowl

Last book read that wasn't required: The Divergent Series

Pet peeve: When people don't use their turn signals

Person I'd like to meet: Suzanne Collins

Person most admired: My mom

Items always in my locker: Post-it-notes

First job: Volunteer at the Toledo Zoo

Top accomplishment: Being on the High Honor Roll throughout all of high school.


After-graduation plans: I plan to attend West Virginia University to study forensic science and technology.

Career goal: After college, I hope to have a job as a forensic biologist.

Quote from teacher: "Melissa is not just an excellent student because of her conscientious, meticulous, and curious nature," said Amy Farrer, English teacher, "She raises up her entire class with her as she temporarily abandons her own work to help or encourage a peer. It's a joy and honor to have a student like Melissa in class because she works diligently always and respects everyone in the classroom."

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.