BGSU hosting forums to discuss cost-cutting, revenue proposals


BOWLING GREEN — Bowling Green State University will hold five more forums this week to give the campus community a chance to discuss cost-cutting and revenue-enhancing proposals.

The university last year hired the consulting firm Accenture to review its programs and operations in response to a projected $3 million to $10 million deficit over the next several years.

The consultants, in a December presentation to the campus community, outlined nearly two dozen ideas to create revenue and trim expenses.

University President Mary Ellen Mazey formed committees consisting of student, administrative, faculty, and staff representatives to review suggestions in six areas. Budget ideas range from boosting class sizes to consolidating some university efforts.

Forums take place this week, and faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend.

The educational platform group will hold a forum at 1 p.m. today in room 314 of the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. A forum on organization, employees, and benefits takes place at 11:30 a.m. Thursday in room 314. The student services forum occurs at 1 p.m. Thursday in room 314. The core administration forum takes place at 11:30 a.m. Friday in room 316, and the auxiliary operations and facilities forum takes place at 1 p.m. Friday in room 316.

The first forum, held Monday, discussed recommendations that fall within the areas of research and advancement. About 50 people attended that forum, said BGSU spokesman David Kielmeyer.

Input from the forums and the committees will be used when determining how to proceed with recommendations from the consultants. Mr. Kielmeyer expects many of the suggestions can be implemented by administrators without action from the board of trustees. He said some suggestions could be implemented this year, while others might require several years of work.

Quarterly reports will provide updates on the actions taken, Mr. Kielmeyer said.

— Vanessa McCray