Penta Career Center marketing teacher resigns


A Penta Career Center teacher who had been suspended without pay and faced firing for inappropriate and unprofessional communication with students and colleagues has resigned.

Lisa Bell, a marketing teacher, submitted a resignation letter Thursday afternoon and the Penta Board of Education voted to accept it several hours later, said Ron Matter, Penta's superintendent of schools.

The resignation letter was retroactive to Feb. 12, the day the Penta board reviewed a resolution describing workplace charges against her and voted to suspend her pending further deliberations.

The resolution said she had used profane language and behaved inappropriately in class and during field trips; played inappropriate music in her classroom; shared confidential student information with other parents and students, and had communicated in a confrontational and intimidating manner to students in the classroom and on field trips.

She had been warned about such behavior by Penta officials in March, 2011, then given a "last-chance agreement" 20 months later under which she agreed to communicate with students and staff in a professional and respectful manner "at all times and in all situations."

Mr. Matter said the Penta board had been prepared to vote Thursday on accepting the appointment of a referee for the disciplinary proceeding before receiving Ms. Bell's resignation letter. The letter was accepted by an 8-0 vote, with board member Joseph Rutherford absent, the superintendent said.