Springfield Board of Education votes 5-0 to pull planned levy off May ballot


The Springfield Board of Education voted today 5-0 to pull a planned May levy off the ballot, a repeat of a meeting last week that raised questions about whether the board violated state law.

Board members removed the 3.9-mill operating levy that was to appear on the May 6 ballot because they determined it would be insufficient to stabilize the district’s finances. They had voted at a special meeting last week to remove the levy, but the meeting notice only said that board members would meet in a closed session to “discuss personnel.”

The board announced late Thursday that they would meet again after The Blade raised questions about the legality of the board's actions. Ohio law does not permit boards to discuss or act on items at special meetings other than those referenced in notices. The law also does not allow for an executive session for the issue of a levy.

But Sherri Koback, the board president, said the board only called another meeting to provide more opportunity for community discussion or questions. When asked if she believed the board violated state law, she said "I don't think so."