Student of the Week: Austin Smith

Maumee Valley Country Day School

Austin Smith
Austin Smith


School Subject: Biology

Extracurricular Activity: Nature Club

Hobbies: Hiking, traveling

Car: Toyota Corolla

Store: American Eagle

Musical Artist: Santigold

Movie: Beasts of the Southern Wild

TV Show: Archer, Brooklyn Nine Nine



Cafeteria Food Must Have: Grilled cheese and tomato soup

Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: Amsterdam by Ian McEwan

Pet Peeve: Being bored

Person Most Admired: Marin Luther

Person You’d Like To Meet: Kofi Annan

Item Always In Your Locker: Nature stick

First Job: After school program for elementary school students

Top Accomplishment: Participating in the American Youth Leadership Program in Cambodia

After Graduation Plans: Attend college and write a book of short stories



Career Goal: Participate in Doctors Without Borders, become a geneticist, or be selected to be an ambassador to a foreign country

Quote from teacher: “Austin Smith is a wonderful student, respected by his teachers and peers alike, who constantly pursues opportunities to further his education,” said Brooke Schlageter Graham, Global Leadership Program director, ESL/English teacher. “He has pursued opportunities for international travel abroad and has had learning experiences in Mexico, France, Sweden, and Cambodia. Austin also pursues leadership opportunities whenever possible. When our dorm, the Dayal House, opened in the fall, Austin created a position as a liaison between domestic and international students, lived in the dorm, and helped our international students integrate with the Maumee Valley community. He consistently gets excellent grades and is involved in many aspects of the Upper School. I am proud to work with this remarkable student.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.