Student of the Week: Magdalene Waldecker

Jefferson High School

Maggie Waldecker
Maggie Waldecker


School Subject: Science, specifically Anatomy/Physiology

Extracurricular Activity: Volunteering at the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Motherhouse

Hobbies: Reading, painting

Car: Black Mustang

Store: Susie’s Sweets and Eats

Musical Artist: Maroon 5

Movie: Beauty and the Beast or any classic Disney movie




Cafeteria food must have: Chocolate cookies

Last book read that wasn’t required: Archetype

Pet Peeve: People who don’t use turn signals

Person Most Admired: My parents

Person You’d Like To Meet: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Item Always In Your Locker: 3x5 index cards and colored pencils

First Job: McDonald’s; I’ve since moved to ACE Hardware

Top Accomplishment: Graduating in the top 10 of my class



After Graduation Plans: I plan to attend Oakland University in Rochester, Mich. with the Presidential Scholarship and Geographic Region Award. I will be studying health sciences

Career Goal: I plan to go into either radiology or health administration

Quote from teacher: “Maggie is extremely organized and genuine,” said Mrs. Michele Jenkins, counselor. “She gives to others through volunteering. One area that is constant with Maggie is that she always has a smile.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.