Student of the Week: William Konesni, Waite High School

William Konesni
William Konesni


School Subject: Spanish

Extracurricular Activities: Young Men of Excellence

Hobbies: Playing basketball, tennis, video games, hanging with family and friends, going to school, running, and sleeping

Car: Jaguar XJX351

Store: Reddish Contact Sports Supply

Musical Artist: Abstract

Movie: Rudy

TV Show: Impractical Jokers


Last Book Read That Wasn’t Required: The Sender

Person You’d Like to Meet: The future me in 10 years, and learn all the knowledge he knows

Person Most Admired: Joshua Vance and Joe Boyle

Item always in your locker: A positive quote and deodorant

First Job: BK Construction

Top Accomplishment: Attending and being a student at Waite High School



After Graduation Plans: I plan to attend the University of Toledo and major in education. I want to teach in the Toledo Public School district and eventually become principal, school board and so forth

Career Goal: I want to impact lives and change the world. I never want to stop being impactful, inspiring or helpful. I want to open my own business in Toledo and offer discounts to top graduates and much, much more

Quote from Teacher:  “Willie is as fine of a leader as you will find at his age,” said Joshua Vance, teacher. “He is trustworthy and reliable. He nearly never turns down an opportunity to help. His energy and spirit are contagious. Those qualities will serve him well in his future career as a teacher.”

   -  Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.