Student of the Week: Justin Garcia-Fike, Rogers High School

Justin Garcia-Fike
Justin Garcia-Fike


School Subject: Math, history

Extracurricular Activities: None

Hobbies: Video games

Car: Chevy Corvette

Store: Game Stop

Musical Artist: Flatbush Zombies

Movie: Straight Outta Compton

TV Show: Tokyo Ghoul, American Horror Story



Cafeteria Food Must Have: I don't think there is one

Person You’d Like to Meet: Kendrick Lamar

Person Most Admired: There's a lot to just pick one

Item always in your locker: Notebooks

First Job: None

After Graduation Plans: Attend the University of Toledo and study engineering



Career Goal: Have a good career and be able to help change people's lives and make a difference."

Quote from teacher:  "Justin is very focused and always puts his best foot forward," said Karen Ovall, teacher.

   -  Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.