Davis-Besse shuts down for scheduled maintenance


OAK HARBOR, Ohio -- The Davis-Besse nuclear power plant shut down early Sunday for scheduled refueling and maintenance, FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company announced Monday.

During the 908-megawatt plant's shutdown, 68 of its 177 fuel assemblies will be replaced, numerous inspections will be performed, and a variety of preventive maintenance will be done, the utility said.

More than 1,000 local contractor workers and 100 FENOC employees from other plants will be working at Davis-Besse during the work.

No completion date was announced.

The Davis-Besse plant was most recently shut down in October for replacement of its reactor head. During that shutdown, widespread hairline cracking was discovered in its outer concrete shield building. The plant was allowed to restart in December, but the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board is scheduled to hear oral arguments May 18 at the Ottawa County Courthouse about whether the cracks should be considered a potential reason to deny a license renewal when the plant's operating authority expires in 2017.