Columbia Gas says heating bill assistance remains available


Columbia Gas of Ohio Inc. said Wednesday that time still remains for eligible low-income consumers to secure funding for home-heating bills from area agencies through the Home Energy Assistance Program, known as HEAP.

To be eligible for HEAP assistance, a customer has to be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. For a family of four, that is $46,100.

Assistance is still available via the winter-crisis program through March 31, from the winter-reconnect order program through April 15, and from HEAP through May 31. Applications for HEAP can be obtained from the Ohio Development Services Agency, or in Toledo through the Economic Opportunity Planning Association of Greater Toledo, 505 Hamilton St. For more information on HEAP, call EOPA at 419-242-7304 or the Ohio Development Services Agency at 1-800-282-0880.