Tips for better holiday baking


For best baking results:

  • Read entire recipe and prepare special handling ingredients ahead of time, such as softening butter or chopping and toasting nuts.

  • For baking success, butter must be softened, yet slightly firm.

  • Use a shiny, aluminum cookie sheet that is open on one, two, or three sides for evenly browned cookies rather than an insulated or dark colored cookie sheet.

  • Preheat oven 10 to 15 minutes before baking.

  • To avoid soggy pie crust, try using glass or dull aluminum pan.

  • If your cookies are crumbling, most likely the cookie dough is too dry. Try adding one to two tablespoons of cream or milk to the dough.

  • Store crisp cookies in a container with a loose-fitting lid, and soft cookies in a container with a tight-fitting lid to maintain textures.

    Source: Land O'Lakes Holiday Bakeline at 800-782-9606.