Fruit Shortcake


2 cups baking mix

2/3 cup milk

1 to 2 quarts strawberries, blueberries, sliced peaches, or other summer fruit

1 to 1 cups sugar or to taste

Whipped Cream

Garnish: whole strawberries or blueberries or slices of peach

Prepare biscuits using baking mix. If you use a 4-inch biscuit cutter, you should get 8 to 9 large biscuits. Bake according to package directions.

Meanwhile, prepare fruit as desired, slicing strawberries or dicing or slicing peaches. Add sugar. Some cooks let the strawberries produce a juice or natural syrup by mashing them a bit.

When the biscuits are cool, slice in half and put a couple of tablespoons of fruit on the bottom of each biscuit. Place top half of biscuit on top of fruit. Dividing the strawberry sauce between all the servings, about 2 to 3 tablespoons or more of fruit, and finish with a dollop of whipped cream and a garnish of fresh fruit.

Yield: 8 to 9 servings

Source: Kathie Smith