Dinner Tonight: Pop Lippert's Egg Nog


We are perfectly aware that this recipe for egg nog was submitted in response to last week’s story about egg-nog, not for Dinner Tonight. and it is neither fast nor healthy, as these recipes are supposed to be. But if we don’t run it now, it won’t get run. Ernest Lippert, Jr., said it was devised by his father in 1930.

Pop Lippert’s Egg Nog

12 eggs, separated

5 cups sugar

1 tablespoon flour

¼ teaspoon baking soda

Pinch salt

1 tablespoon vanilla

Nutmeg to taste, about 1 teaspoon

1 gallon milk or more

750 ml bourbon

1 quart vanilla ice cream, or more

Beat yolks to a froth and, still beating, slowly add sugar. While beating, add flour, baking soda, salt, vanilla, and nutmeg. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites to stiff peaks. Fold into yolk mixture. It will look grainy. Chill in refrigerator until ready to serve; stir if it has separated.

To serve, pour mixture into large punch bowl and stir in milk. Stir in bourbon, then stir in ice cream by the spoonful. Stir until ice cream is nearly all melted.

Yield: 50 servings

— Ernest Lippert, Jr.

Have a recipe that is fast and healthy? Send it to food@theblade.com or Dinner Tonight, The Blade, 541 N. Superior St., Toledo, OH 43660.