Saturday Seed Swap moves to new site


The ninth annual Seed Swap will be noon to 3 p.m. Saturday at a new location: Woodward High School, 701 E. Central Ave. Attendees will receive five seed packets for free, and pay 50 cents for additional packs. People who bring labeled packets of seeds not older than 2011 will receive additional tickets for free seeds. No plants, bulbs, or garden paraphernalia will be accepted.

Free workshops will be Getting Started in Vegetable Garden Design at 12:15 p.m. with Matt Ross; To Bee or Not To Bee, all about bees with Karen Wood, at 1:15 p.m., and Plant to Plate, growing and preserving food, with Lee Richter and Patrice Powers Barker, at 2:15.

The afternoon includes children’s activities, informational tables, and a silent auction. Woodward’s concession stand will sell snacks.

“The swap is a wonderful gathering that serves not only the Toledo Grows community gardeners, but all home and backyard gardeners in the city and surrounding area,” says Dani Kusner, manager of Toledo Grows, an outreach program of Toledo Botanical Garden.

Information: and 419-536-5588.

Upcoming gardening programs include a 6:30 to 9 p.m. Monday lecture series, Urban Beautification: Different Plants for Different Environments, in the Conference Center at Toledo Botanical Garden. Fee is $15 for one evening; $35 for all three. It’s organized by the Ohio State University Lucas County Master Gardener volunteers. The programs are:

● March 4: Grasses: Turf and Ornamentals, with Michael O’Rourke, followed by Tropicals and Succulents, with Bill Albert.

● April 1: Water Gardens and Ponds, by Kurt Smith, and Under-used Trees and Shrubs, with Becky McCann.

● May 6: All-Seasons Blooms, with Susan Muenzer, and the Cutting Garden: Live and Dried, with Amy Stone.

Details at 419-578-6783 and

Contact Tahree Lane at or 419-724-6075.