TAAC: Fruth leads Holgate by TC 20-14


HOLGATE - Dan Newman ran three yards for one touchdown and hit Steve Winslow for a 21-yard scoring pass but Ottawa Hills fell 20-14 to Holgate last night.

Ryan Fruth had a hand in all three TDs for Holgate, running for scores of 2 and 47 yards and passing 47 yards to Charlie Kelly for another.

Holgate ran for 135 yards and passed for 118 while Ottawa Hills ran for 110 and passed for 46.

AYERSVILLE - Raphael Manriquez paced Ayersville's romp with three TDs.

He scored on runs of one and 10 yards and caught a 34-yard pass from Demetrius Jones.

Ayersville ran for 344 yards and added 126 in the air.

Ottawa Hills had 123 rushing and 46 passing.

The Green Bears' touchdown came on a 44-yard pass to Aaron Crooks from Sam Steinberg.

FOSTORIA - St. Wendelin wrapped up the game with three first-half touchdowns - a 32-yard run by Ben Saber, a four-yard run by Tim Gregory and a five-yard run by Stuart Hensley.

Cardinal Stritch's score came on a blocked punt that was recovered in the end zone - with Ryan Ingram blocking the kick and Chris Kamelesky making the recovery.

St. Wendelin (2-0) ran for 128 yards and passed for 94.

Stritch (0-2) or 63 and passed for 72.