High school basketball scores

Springfield s Nick Konrad finds himself in a tight spot against Emmanuel Christian s Paul Lawson last night in the Warrior Classic. His Blue Devils won the game, however, and it was
their first victory of the season. Read <a href=http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061230/SPORTS06/612300444/-1/SPORTS><b> Springfield torches Warriors</b></a>
Springfield s Nick Konrad finds himself in a tight spot against Emmanuel Christian s Paul Lawson last night in the Warrior Classic. His Blue Devils won the game, however, and it was their first victory of the season. Read <a href=http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061230/SPORTS06/612300444/-1/SPORTS><b> Springfield torches Warriors</b></a>


City League

Anthony Wayne 64, Bowsher 44

Clay 54, Rossford 42

Southview 68, Rogers 49

Scott 71, Lansing 53

Brush 63, St. Francis 58

Graves County (Ky.) 35, St. John's 30


St. John s at Ft. Walton, Fla. tourney

Upper Sandusky at Whitmer

Northern Lakes

Hamilton 55, Bowling Green 45

Northview 69, Fremont Ross 52

Springfield 58, Emmanuel Christian 34


Bowling Green at Otsego

Bellevue at Perrysburg

Springfield at Warrior Classic

Suburban Lakes

Swanton 50, Lake 27

St. Wendelin 52, Lakota 30


Oak Harbor at Elmwood


Hicksville 47, Edon 32

Ottawa Hills 62, Pettisville 57

Danbury 61, Fremont St. Joe 45


Edon at Route 49 tourney at Edgerton

Emmanuel Christian at Warrior Classic

North Baltimore at Toledo Christian


Bryan 60, Worthington Kilbourne 49

Stryker 59, Liberty Center 51

Patrick Henry 67, Napoleon 46

Wauseon 43, Holgate 23

Evergreen 37, Tinora 32


Ottawa-Glandorf at Archbold

Delta at Swanton tourney

Montpelier at Fremont St. Joe

Swanton at Swanton tourney

Wauseon at Defiance Buffalo Wild Wings tourney

Midland Athletic

Arcadia 58, Bettsville 56

Vanlue 70, Carey 52

Hopewell-Loudon 43, McComb 41

Van Buren 72, North Baltimore 63

Mansfield St. Pete 54, Tiffin Calvert 50

Sandusky Bay

Clyde 66, Sandusky St. Mary 56

Edison 57, Oak Harbor 54

Perkins 76, Huron 62

Port Clinton 61, Margaretta 51


Oak Harbor at Sandusky St. Mary

Fostoria at Clyde

Blanchard Valley

Arlington 45, Allen East 44

Bluffton 62, Cory-Rawson 37

Liberty-Benton 57, Elida 19

Columbus Grove 60, Pandora-Gilboa 44


Arlington at Bluffton tourney

Cory-Rawson at Bluffton tourney

Hardin Northern at Kenton

Green Meadows

Ayersville 65, Paulding 48

Edgerton 69, Antwerp 50

Wauseon 43, Holgate 23

Wayne Trace 65, Kalida 62


Antwerp at Route 49 tourney at Edgerton

Edgerton at Route 49 tourney at Edgerton

Hicksville at Route 49 tourney at Edgerton

Holgate at Wauseon tourney

Tinora at Buffalo Wild Wings tourney at Defiance College

Buckeye Border


Fayette at Swanton tourney

Putnam Country

Convoy Crestview 58, Ottoville 36


Convoy Crestview at Miller City

Other NW Ohio

Upper Sandusky 104, Bellevue 83

Findlay 49, Defiance 42

Shelby 76, Fostoria 71

Willard 65, Tiffin Columbian 56


Edon at Route 49 tourney at Edgerton

Monclova Christian at Pleasant Valley tourney

Southeast Michigan


Bedford 71, Whiteford 57


Sand Creek at Adrian Madison

Whiteford at Emmanuel Christian Warrior Classic

Other SE Michigan


Bedford at Emmauuel Christian Warrior Classic

City League

Lansing 8 14 11 20 53

Scott 12 19 20 20 71

LANSING: Thurston 2-1-6-13, Pinckney 3-1-7, Lowe 2-1-5, Carnagie 3-2-8, Pierce 3-1-2-11, Veltkamy 4-1-9. Totals 17-2-13-53.

SCOTT: Warren 2-0-4, Henry 6-5-17, Wyse 4-1-5-16, Young 6-1-13, Hairston 1-0-2, Mumford 2-0-4, Greer 6-1-13, Jeffers 1-0-2. Totals 28-1-12-71.

Brush 18 10 18 17 63

St. Francis 14 14 18 12 58

BRUSH: Donovan 2-1-2-9, Pace 5-0-10, Tait 2-1-2-9, Mike Powers 5-2-5-21, Dawson 3-0-6, Wilson 4-0-8. Totals 21-4-9-63.

ST. FRANCIS: Rieker 2-1-1-8, Henry 2-2-6, Nick Meinert 8-3-19, Jordan Frost 5-0-10, Vaculik 2-3-7, Szenderski 0-2-2-8. Totals 19-3-11-58.

Anthony Wayne 18 20 13 13 64

Bowsher 10 5 14 15 44

ANTHONY WAYNE: Cam. Walton 0-3-0-9, Bucher 1-0-2, Col. Walton 0-2-0-6, Launder 1-1-0-5, Riley 1-1-2-7, Mikes 2-6-10, Jazwiecki 4-6-14, Dupont 1-0-2, Ramlow 4-1-9. Totals; 14-7-15-64.

BOWSHER: Broomfield 4-6-14, Brownlee 1-0-2, Warnes 1-1-3, Kaighin 3-2-4-16, Benjamin 1-0-2, Ehrhardt 0-1-1, Stockdale 1-2-4, Mays 0-2-2. Totals: 11-2-16-44.

Southview 23 18 10 17 68

Rogers 13 8 13 15 49

SOUTHVIEW: Hausfeld 4-3-6-23, Borcherdt 0-2-2, Simon 2-2-1-11, Berhane 2-2-6, Craig 2-2-6, Joplin 3-0-6, Shilling 1-2-4, Scott 2-1-5, Creque 1-0-2, Dehabey 0-1-0-3. Totals: 17-6-16-68.

ROGERS: Shuler 0-2-0-6, Landry 2-1-5, Rome 2-0-4, Bishop 0-1-0-3, Tabb 4-2-10, Welch 1-1-3, Heard 5-4-14, Camak 1-2-4. Totals: 15-3-10-49.

Clay 9 8 13 24 54

Rossford 5 10 4 23 42

CLAY: Spetz 1-0-2, Achter 6-6-18, Kuns 3-1-2-9, TenEych 1-0-2, Kovacs 0-1-1, Holmes 2-1-1-6, Swain 3-2-8, Taylor 3-2-8. Totals: 19-2-14-54.

ROSSFORD: Bell 3-0-6, Sattler 0-1-1, Kralovic 3-2-8, J. Nichols 3-3-9, L. Nichols 4-2-10, Wagner 3-2-8. Totals: 16-10-42.

St. John s 15 8 6 1 30

Graves County (Ky.) 8 8 12 7 35

ST. JOHN S: Ellis 0-1-0-3, Patterson 1-2-1-9, Jakubowski 2-2-6, Morrison 1-0-2, Taylor 1-0-2, Simmons 2-0-4, Springs 0-1-0-3, Schaetzke 0-1-1. Totals 7-4-4-30.

GRAVES COUNTY: Wiggins 2-2-6, Sanderson 0-1-1, McClain 2-2-2-12, Williams 1-0-2, Kimbler 1-1-2-7, Harris 1-5-7. Totals 7-3-12-35.

Northern Lakes

Hamilton 13 12 13 17 55

Bowling Green 11 18 3 13 45

HAMILTON: Fowler 1-2-4, Shirley 2-0-4, Sherman 4-1-9, Bailey 0-4-4, Schultheiss 1-4-6, Butler 4-2-0-14, Allen 3-1-3-12, Miller 1-0-2. Totals 16-3-14-55.

BOWLING GREEN: Fortney 1-3-2-13, Markey 2-3-2-15, Graham 0-1-0-3, Donnell 2-2-6, Kilpatrick 2-3-7, Vannett 0-1-1. Totals 7-7-10-45.

Fremont Ross 10 11 14 17 52

Northview 15 19 16 19 69

FREMONT ROSS: Munson 3-2-0-12, Damman 1-0-2, Hershey 0-2-0-6, Miller 1-0-2, Clayton 3-3-9, Croudup 3-4-10, Johnson 2-3-7, Ottney 2-0-4. Totals: 15-4-10-57.

NORTHVIEW: Wade 3-4-10, Koehl 8-3-19, Weaver 1-4-6, Schaffer 0-6-6, Jaques 1-2-4, Andrzejczak 7-3-17, Hinton 1-0-2, Lewis 2-1-5. Totals: 23-23-69.

Springfield 18 11 19 10 58

Emmanuel Christian 5 9 9 11 34

Springfield: Latimer 2-1-0-7, Liber 0-2-0-6, Konrad 1-0-2, Kizer 0-1-1, Culbertson 0-3-1-10, Koback 5-2-1-17, Hayes 3-0-6, Stender 2-1-5, Isby 2-0-4. Totals: 15-8-4-58.

EMMANUEL CHRISTIAN: S. Behan 5-1-5-18, Benefiel 2-0-4, Noss 0-1-0-3, W. Behan 3-1-0-9. Totals: 10-3-5-34.


Bowling Green 6 18 16 12 52

Indy North Central 21 14 26 22 83

BOWLING GREEN: Fortney 1-2-1-9, Markey 2-2-0-10, Graham 2-3-0-13, Motsinger 0-3-3, Donnell 1-1-0-5, Dibele 2-0-4, Kilpatrick 1-2-4, Kennard 1-0-2, Vannett 1-0-2. Totals 11-7-9-52.

NORTH CENTRAL: Eric Gordon 10-12-32, Evan Gordon 3-1-7, Gant 1-1-5, Toler 0-1-1, Hodzic 4-1-9, Brown 3-0-6, Hunter 1-2-4, Hollowell 4-1-0-11, Ellison 3-0-6, Sample 1-0-2. Totals 30-2-17-83.

Suburban Lakes

Lake 4 5 7 11 27

Swanton 12 10 13 15 50

Lake: Robinson 2-0-4, Lembreras 2-0-4, Mendieta 1-0-2, Matthews 0-1-1-4, Ashman 3-2-8, Rice 1-0-2, Geisel 1-1-3. Totals 10-1-4-27.

Swanton: Betz 5-1-1-14, Timpe 2-0-4, Lewis 4-2-10, Montion 2-0-4, Camp 0-2-2, Rhodes 1-4-6, Everett 1-0-2, Gowin 1-4-6, Wielinski 0-2-2. Totals 16-1-15-50.


Pettisville 10 12 15 20 57

Ottawa Hills 11 13 16 22 62

PETTISVILLE: Giovarelli 4-3-11, Frey 2-0-4, Nafziger 11-1-23, Banner 1-0-2, Rohrer-Meck 6-5-17. Totals: 24-9-57.

OTTAWA HILLS: Browarski 6-4-16, Wolff 6-4-16, Smith 2-3-7, Abendroth 2-3-0-13, Parker 5-0-10. Totals: 21-3-11-62.

Fremont St. Joe 7 9 18 11 45

Danbury 4 22 20 15 61

Fremont St. Joe: Wasserman 2-3-7, Boyd 2-1-2-9, Mills 1-1-2-7, Swint 1-0-2, Lewis 0-2-2, Horvath 1-0-2, Meyer 2-6-10, Coe 0-2-2, Baker 1-2-4. Totals 10-2-19-45.

Danbury: Hamann 0-1-5-8, Waggoner 0-1-1, Schafer 2-1-5-12, Wiedenhoft 6-1-4-19, Ross 1-0-2, Twerak 0-2-2, Petrof 0-1-0-3, Cantu 4-6-14. Totals 13-4-23-61.

Hicksville 9 8 9 21 47

Edon 8 4 6 14 32

HICKSVILLE: Gerbers 0-1-1, Vandemark 4-1-9, Flanary 3-2-8, Ayers 0-1-1, Kemarer 4-0-8, Klepper 1-0-2, B. Cover 2-1-5, Turnbull 3-1-2-11, E. Cover 0-1-1. Totals: 34-3-10-47.

EDON: Booth 1-0-2, Whitney 1-2-4, Chaffee 2-3-7, Becker 3-0-6, Fritch 3-1-0-9, Ankney 2-0-4. Totals: 24-3-5-32.


Stryker 17 12 14 16 59

Liberty Center 10 12 20 9 51

STRYKER: Olmstead 3-0-6, Brown 4-1-4-15, Jaggers 6-8-20, Short 5-2-12, Erb 3-0-6. Totals: 21-1-14-59.

LIBERTY CENTER: Burdue 1-1-3, Meister 6-0-12, Tiplady 1-1-3, Irving 1-1-2-7, Brown 1-1-0-5, Slee 8-1-2-21. Totals: 18-3-6-51.

Napoleon 10 12 13 11 46

Patrick Henry 9 19 18 21 67

NAPOLEON: L. Hunter 1-7-9, J. Hunter 5-2-12, Lauf 0-1-0-3, Lambert 0-1-0-3, Hesterman 0-2-2, Fleck 6-0-12, rosebrock 0-1-2-5. Totals: 12-3-13-46.

PATRICK HENRY: Rohrs 0-1-1, Botjer 2-2-0-10, Ky. Tietje 0-1-6-9, Brubaker 4-1-9, Badenhop 6-3-15, Ke. Tietje 6-1-13, Behrnan 5-0-10. Totals: 22-3-3-67.

Bryan 10 12 14 13 49

Worthington Kilbourne 7 18 16 19 60

BRYAN: Dickinson 1, Park 2, Schultz 16, Joanes 2, Opdycke 14, Shaffer 4, Arnold 4, Kunvial 6. Totals: 14-2-15-49.

WORTHINGTON KILBORNE: Baybutt 10, Batchelder 2, Scheaf 6, Phillips 4, Lindquist 16, Michalski 11, Lokas 11. Totals: 8-8-20-60.

Holgate 7 4 6 6 23

Wauseon 15 2 13 13 43

HOLGATE: Clady 3-0-6, Baker 0-2-1-7, Keeterle 1-0-2, Greve 1-0-2, Urdailes 3-0-6. Totals: 8-2-1-23.

WAUSEON: Villalovos 6-1-0-15, C. Elson 1-0-2, Mealer 4-2-10, K. Elson 1-2-6-14, Gibson 1-0-2. Totals: 13-3-8-43.

Evergreen 10 4 11 12 37

Tinora 4 9 9 10 32

EVERGREEN: Bates 2-0-4, Pinkelman 2-1-5, C. Trukor 1-5-0-17, Weissenberger 0-2-0-6, Pfund 0-3-3, B. Truckor 1-0-2. Totals: 6-7-4-37.

TINORA: Lymanstall 1-2-4, Beilharz 0-1-0-3, Wienken 2-2-0-10, Gerken 1-0-2, Schroeder 3-7-13. Totals: 7-3-9-32.


Elida 4 2 4 9 19

Liberty-Benton 13 8 15 21 57

ELIDA: Simpson 2-0-4, Duval 2-0-4, Swick 2-0-4, Mathias 1-4-6, Shurelds 0-1-1. Totals: 7-5-19.

LIBERTY-BENTON: A. Craft 1-0-2, B. Craft 1-3-5, Wallace 3-2-1-13, Thompson 0-1-0-3, Garcia 1-0-2, Smith 3-0-6, Recker 1-3-0-11, Hyde 2-1-6-13, Welty 1-0-2. Totals: 13-7-10-57.

Ayersville 17 16 15 17 65

Paulding 9 11 10 18 48

AYERSVILLE: Ingel 0-1-1, Brown 1-1-2-7, Martin 1-2-4-12, Flint 1-0-2, Fritz 5-7-17, Nicely 3-0-6, Luderman 8-4-20. Totals: 19-3-18-65.

PAULDING: Riley 4-3-2-19, Stallkamp 0-1-0-3, Perl 2-1-0-7, A. Philpot 1-0-2, J. Philipot 1-0-2, Vance 5-1-0-13, Smith 1-0-2. Totals: 14-6-2-48.

Van Buren 18 21 16 17 72

North Baltimore 12 19 13 19 63

VAN BUREN: Marshall 0-1-0-3, Stefker 0-2-2, Grant 8-2-18, Decker 1-2-3-11, Phillips 7-3-5-28, Fetter 2-0-4, Wolfe 3-0-6. Totals: 21-6-12-72.

NORTH BALTIMORE: Herr 6-0-12, Rayle 4-2-10, Benedict 2-2-0-10, Brossia 4-1-4-15, Wymer 6-4-16. Totals: 22-3-10-63.

Edison 18 11 13 15 57

Oak Harbor 15 9 10 13 47

EDISON: Smiley 2-1-5, Ackerman 1-6-8, Dow 1-1-4-9, Hill 6-4-16, Old 0-3-10-16. Totals: 10-4-25-57.

OAK HARBOR: McNutt 0-1-1, Benner 0-1-1, Hegemier 1-0-2, Douglas 2-0-4, Hemminger 3-0-6, Guerrero 0-3-0-9, Laderach 2-2-1-11, Kleman 4-5-13. Totals: 12-5-8-47.

Antwerp 18 8 8 13 3 50

Edgerton 7 9 15 16 2 49

ANTWERP: Lucas 0-1-2-5, Baines 4-2-10, Richle 4-3-1-18, Sims 0-2-0-6, Thiel 3-4-10. Totals: 22-6-9-49.

EDGERTON: Fowler 1-1-0-5, Delong 1-0-2, Holmonn 4-3-11, Ryan 5-2-12, Herber 1-1-3, Smith 1-3-5, Bragg 1-3-1-12. Totals: 14-4-10-50.

Findlay 16 9 15 9 49

Defiance 9 15 11 7 42

FINDLAY: Kraus 18, Birchmeier 9, Wohl 7, Cloud 15. Totals: 18-6-49.

DEFIANCE: Keel 2, Riedel 2, Stykeman 13, A. Keel 13, Mack 8, Spitnale 2, Gutman 2. Totals: 16-5-42.

Port Clinton 18 8 15 20 61

Margaretta 22 11 9 9 51

PORT CLINTON: Elswick 3-6-0-24, Kuras2-3-7, Cellier 6-1-2-17, Millinger 1-1-3, Keck 2-2-6, Malfara 2-0-4. Totals: 15-7-8-61.

MARGARETTA: S. Zahel 1-3-5, M. Zahel 4-2-3-17, Downing 1-0-2, Kromer 4-0-8, Galindo 2-0-4, Kurt 4-2-1-15. Totals: 16-4-7-51.

Hopewell-Loudon 13 14 4 12 43

McComb 13 15 10 3 41

HOPEWELL-LOUDON: A. Brickner 1-0-2, Krupp 1-2-2-10, Britton 1-4-6, H. Brickner 2-0-4, Brown 9-3-21. Totals: 14-2-9-43.

MCCOMB: Shwisher 2-1-1-8, Schroeder 0-1-0-3, Shoop 3-1-0-9, Breece 2-0-4, Westenbarger 3-0-6, Swartz 4-3-11. Totals: 14-3-4-41.

Fostoria 20 16 15 20 71

Shelby 19 11 22 24 76

FOSTORIA: Hyde 3-1-6-15, Tyson 1-0-2, Downing 2-0-4, Stanton 4-1-0-11, Munoz 7-3-1-24, Brandeberry 2-0-4, Roberts 2-5-9, VanHoose 1-0-2. Totals: 22-5-12-71.

SHELBY: Sommer 7-0-14, Baird 3-1-7, Thompson 2-0-4, Dudics 1-1-4-9, Luster 2-0-4, Knapp 0-4-4, Osborn 3-2-8, Grove 8-4-20, Athy 3-0-6. Totals: 29-1-15-76.

Bellevue 18 20 24 21 83

Upper Sandusky 37 29 19 19 104

BELLEVUE: Austin 11-3-25, Whinnery 6-3-2-23, , DeBlase 3-5-11, Manlet 3-2-8, Lepley 3-0-6, Watson 2-2-6, Joseph 1-1-3, Brown 0-1-1. Totals: 23-9-16-83.

UPPER SANDUSKY: Diebler 9-4-13-43, Falk 6-3-0-21, McClellan 7-4-18, Brodman 4-1-9, Beidelschies 3-1-7, Nelson 0-1-1-4, Bachtell 1-0-2. Totals: 30-8-20-104.

Tiffin Calvert 12 15 11 12 50

Mansfield St. Peter s 14 10 14 16 54

TIFFIN CALVERT: Mullen 0-1-0-3, Wise 1-2-4, Keller 6-1-2-17, Woodman 2-0-4, Mass 6-2-14, Lucius 4-0-8. Totals: 19-2-6-50.

Mansfield St. Peter s: Herringhause 4-3-1-14, Vaccro 1-0-2, Chenevey 3-3-3-18, Friebel 0-1-0-3, Kocevar 1-3-5, Mulherin 0-1-1, Kleman 4-3-11. Totals: 13-5-13-54.

Columbian 17 11 6 22 56

Willard 18 17 11 19 65

Columbian: Landers 3-0-8, Decker 10-2-2-28, Bowen 4-0-8, Bogard 4-1-9, Brown 1-1-3. Totals 22-4-56.

Willard: Barnett 0-1-2-5, Steinmetz 6-1-16, Phillips 1-0-2, Cochran 2-0-4, Dedrick 6-0-12, Douglas 5-7-18, Buss 4-0-8. Totals 25-10-65.


Bedford 20 16 17 18 71

Whiteford 14 22 3 18 57

BEDFORD: Ju. Osentosky 3-2-3-15, Boss 4-0-8, Drew 2-0-4, Wagner 6-3-0-21, Rightnower 2-2-1-11, Albright 3-0-6, Felix 2-0-4, Strouse 1-0-2. Totals: 23-7-4-71.

WHITEFORD: Dickerson 0-2-2, Fischer 0-3-3, Keeling 0-2-2, Ritzenthaler 0-1-6-9, Bunge 0-1-1, Seevers 1-3-5, DuPree 6-1-4-19, Gust 5-0-10, Crotz 0-2-2, McCartney 2-0-4. Totals: 14-2-23-57.

Other Ohio

Akr. Firestone 75, Green 66

Akr. Manchester 58, Norton 35

Akr. SVSM 77, Akr. E. 40

Albany Alexander 51, Waterford 42

Alliance 52, Minerva 50

Ansonia 47, Union City Mississinawa Valley 46

Apple Creek Waynedale 74, Jeromesville Hillsdale 55

Arcanum 56, New Madison Tri-Village 40

Ashland Crestview 67, Greenwich S. Cent. 61

Ashtabula Lakeside 75, Cle. John Adams 42

Avon 46, Avon Lake 35

Batavia Amelia 49, Batavia 42

Beavercreek 64, Spring. S. 47

Berea 71, Mentor 52

Berlin Center Western Reserve 65, Lisbon David Anderson 50

Blanchester 64, Lees Creek E. Clinton 59

Botkins 59, Houston 57

Bradford 54, Sidney Christian 40

Can. Cent. Cath. 48, Youngs. Wilson 35

Can. GlenOak 52, Medina 51

Can. McKinley 61, Warren Harding 58

Canfield 68, Youngs. Mooney 34

Carlisle 52, Franklin 44

Centerville 53, Kettering Fairmont 33

Chillicothe 65, Jackson 27.

Chillicothe Huntington Ross 67, Lynchburg Clay 59

Cin. Aiken 69, Summit Christian, Fla. 65

Cin. Elder 62, McArthur (Fla.) 50

Cin. Hughes 74, Harper Woods, Mich. 45

Cin. LaSalle 93, Williston (Fla.) 56

Cin. Mariemont 34, New Richmond 20

Cin. McNicholas 44, Cin. Glen Este 37

Cin. Norwood 70, Cin. St. Bernard 40

Cin. Oak Hills 59, Galloway Westland 50

Cin. St. John s 40, Cin. Madeira 28

Cin. Winton Woods 65, Cin. Wyoming 58

Circleville 77, Logan 54

Circleville Logan Elm 72, Chillicothe Zane Trace 53

Cle. Hts. 85, Maple Hts. 50

Cle. Rhodes 49, Cle. St. Ignatius 46

Collins Western Reserve 71, Monroeville 54

Cols. Brookhaven 53, Akr. Buchtel 49

Cols. Hamilton Twp. 70, Groveport 53

Cols. Hartley 31, Bexley 29.

Cols. Ready 46, Johnstown Northridge 36

Cols. Tree of Life 43, Marion Cath. 42

Conneaut 44, Conneaut Valley (Pa.) 41

Continental 55, St. Henry 44

Convoy Crestview 58, Ottoville 36

Creston Norwayne 62, Dalton 51, OT

Cridersville Perry 75, Lima Bath 66

Cuyahoga Falls Walsh Jesuit 68, Tallmadge 61

Day. Chaminade-Julienne 57, Troy 41

Day. Christian 55, Day. Northridge 42

Day. Oakwood 70, New Lebanon Dixie 56

Day. Stebbins 59, Bellefontaine Benjamin Logan 51

Day. Stivers 60, Spring. Cath. Cent. 50

Delaware 67, Powell Olentangy Liberty 50

Delphos St. John s 40, Cin. Madeira 28

Doylestown Chippewa 72, Smithville 51

Dublin Coffman 60, Dublin Jerome 28

Euclid 57, Cle. Collinwood 30

Felicity 65, Bethel-Tate 60, OT

Fort Jennings 60, Van Wert Lincolnview 51

Ft. Loramie 49, Anna 48

Gahanna Christian 54, Granville Christian 43

Gates Mills Gilmour 55, Mayfield 51

Geneva 58, Ashtabula Sts. John and Paul 37

Georgetown 63, Fayetteville 53

Grandview 65, Cols. Wellington 56

Greenfield McClain 51, Adena 32

Grove City Cent. Crossing 83, Baltimore Liberty Union 43

Hamilton 55, Bowling Green 45

Hamilton Badin 57, Leesburg Fairfield 38

Hamilton Ross 42, Goshen 35

Hartville Lake Center Christian 56, Sebring McKinley 53

Haviland Wayne Trace 65, Kalida 62

Heath 60, Johnstown-Monroe 47

Hilliard Darby 74, Marysville 52.

Hilliard Davidson 53, Ashland 47

Howard E. Knox 40, Mansfield Christian 35

Huber Hts. Wayne 72, Miamisburg 53

Jackson Center 52, Sidney Fairlawn 34

Kettering Alter 65, Belen Jesuit, Fla. 50

Kirtland 67, Richmond Hts. 61

Lakewood St. Edward 67, Pennsbury, Pa. 47

Lancaster 53, Pickerington Cent. 51.

Lancaster Fairfield Union 69, Summit Station Licking Hts. 52

Leetonia 51, E. Palestine 44

Lewistown Indian Lake 48, Urbana 45

Lexington 61, Wooster 43

Lima Cent. Cath. 50, Coldwater 45

Lorain Admiral King 65, Vermilion 49

Louisville 63, Beloit W. Branch 46

Loveland 60, Liberty Twp. Lakota E. 58

Lowellville 64, Columbiana Crestview 38

Magnolia Sandy Valley 79, Kidron Central Christian 34

Malvern 75, Hanoverton United 66

Mantua Crestwood 52, Atwater Waterloo 47, OT

Maria Stein Marion Local 46, Newton 45

Mentor Lake Cath. 59, Perry 52

Middletown 71, W. Carrollton 47

Middletown Fenwick 48, Trenton Edgewood 44

Middletown Madison 72, Cin. Christian 70, OT

Millersburg W. Holmes 71, Mansfield Madison 62

Mt. Vernon 58, Warsaw River View 39

N. Royalton 59, Richfield Revere 56

New Bremen 39, Sidney Lehman 37

New Carlisle Tecumseh 65, Spring. Shawnee 48

New London 55, Norwalk St. Paul 53, OT

Newark Licking Valley 69, Canal Winchester 54

Niles McKinley 54, Girard 25

Norwalk 64, Galion 48

Olmsted Falls 67, Celina 36

Orrville 55, Mansfield Sr. 54

Orwell Grand Valley 61, Kinsman Badger 39

Parma Hts. Holy Name 52, Middleburg Hts. Midpark 51

Parma Normandy 71, Cle. JFK 65

Piqua 53, Vandalia 48

Plain City Jonathan Alder 48, Milford Center Fairbanks 35

Plymouth 71, Ashland Mapleton 41

Poland Seminary 52, Youngs. Boardman 43

Preble Shawnee 46, New Paris National Trail 40

Ridgeville Christian 60, Hamilton New Miami 39

Rockford Parkway 50, N. Bend Taylor 31

Rocky River 72, Lakewood 65

Russia 72, Covington 44

S. Charleston SE 48, N. Lewisburg Triad 42

S. Forsyth, Ga. 61, Cin. Country Day 49

Salineville Southern 81, E. Liverpool Christian 54

Shadyside 71, St. Clairsville 60

Shaker Hts. 68, Cols. Beechcroft 54

Shaler, Pa. 66, Painesville Riverside 63

Shekinah Christian 56, Powell Village Academy 42

Sidney 89, Germantown Valley View 70

Spring. Kenton Ridge 55, Enon Greenon 46

Spring. NE 50, Cedarville 46

Springboro 73, Day. Col. White 55

St. Paris Graham 64, Spring. NW 47

Steubenville 67, Steubenville Cath. Cent. 48

Streetsboro 78, Independence 55

Strongsville 82, Cle. E. Tech 70

Struthers 55, New Middletown Spring. 47

Thomas Worthington 72, Cols. Whetstone 53

Tipp City Tippecanoe 60, Bellefontaine 53

Trotwood-Madison 74, Clayton Northmont 53

Utica 53, Hebron Lakewood 50

Versailles 59, Pitsburg Franklin-Monroe 38

Vincent Warren 68, Athens 57

W. Alexandria Twin Valley S. 64, Lewisburg Tri-County N. 43

W. Chester Lakota W. 51, E. Liverpool 27

W. Liberty-Salem 59, Mechanicsburg 34

W. Milton Milton-Union 69, Casstown Miami E. 43

W. Salem NW 74, Rittman 70, OT

Warren Howland 51, Salem 38

Warren Lordstown 50, Southington Chalker 46

Warrensville 55, Cle. Hts. Lutheran E. 49

Westlake 75, Bay Village Bay 46

Willoughby S. 78, Chardon 58

Wilmington 80, Clarksville Clinton-Massie 70

Woodsfield Monroe Cent. 69, New Matamoras Frontier 41

Wooster Triway 88, Navarre Fairless 78, OT

Worthington Christian 74, Lancaster Fisher Cath. 39

Xenia 63, Fairborn 61

Youngs. Austintown-Fitch 60, Youngs. Chaney 57

Youngs. Christian 76, Heartland Christian 51

Youngs. Ursuline 71, Cle. S. 51

Zanesville Rosecrans 53, Tuscarawas Cent. Cath. 35


City League

Bowsher 58, Maumee 48

Notre Dame 75, Harvest Prep 60

Rossford 46, Clay 42


Central Catholic at Akron St.V/St. Mary

Waite vs. Bay Village at Garfield Hts.

Libbey at Logan Classic

Woodward at Logan Classic

Northern Lakes


Patrick Henry at Anthony Wayne

Bowling Green at Cincinnati Loveland

Fremont Ross at Perrysburg

Suburban Lakes

Genoa 74, Toledo Christian 69

New Riegel 58, Woodmore 46


Fremont St. Joe at Gibsonburg



Danbury at Seneca East


Stryker 74, Bryan 45

Paulding 52, Montpelier 33

City League

Maumee 10 8 16 14 48

Bowsher 14 17 11 16 58

MAUMEE: L. Diegel 5-2-8-24, S. Diegel 2-2-6, Sanchez 2-0-4, Matyi 2-2-10, Mumis 2-0-4. Totals 13-4-10-48.

BOWSHER: Brown 4-0-8, Roberts 5-2-2-18, Hammond 2-0-4, C. Palmer 3-0-6, Jenkins 1-1-3, Johnson 2-9-13, Carswell 2-2-6. Totals 19-2-14-58.

Harvest Prep 15 8 12 25 60

Notre Dame 13 23 16 23 75

Harvest Prep: Cotton 1-0-2, Tate 7-2-16, Briggs 1-0-2, Lawson 3-4-10, Beasley 12-2-26, Herndon 2-0-4, Totals 26-8-60.

Notre Dame: Shindorf 2-1-5, Pryor 2-1-5, Stralm 1-2-4, Fought 3-1-7, Watkins 2-0-4, Lalor 5-0-10, Barton 0-2-2, Blanton 7-2-3-23, Delaney 5-1-11, Webb 2-0-4. Totals 29-2-11-75.

Clay 7 14 4 17 42

Rossford 8 14 15 9 46

CLAY: Mannon 1-3-5, Scharer 3-0-6, Achter 0-1-1, Berry 3-1-1-10, Taylor 3-1-4-13, Steinmetz 1-1-3, Sabin 2-0-4. Totals 13-2-10-42.

ROSSFORD: Yoder 4-0-8, Anne Yenrick 6-2-14, Nirschl 2-0-4, Keller 2-2-6, Mullins 3-0-6, Helmke 3-2-8. Totals 20-6-46.

Suburban Lakes

New Riegel 13 14 18 13 58

Woodmore 10 6 15 15 46

NEW RIEGEL: Smith 4-1-9, Reinhart 7-2-4-24, Hughes 1-2-4, Kelbley 3-0-6, Lucas 3-0-6, Hutton 1-7-9. Totals: 19-2-14-58.

WOODMORE: Bitter 3-1-0-9, Lowry 6-3-15, Hernandez 1-2-2-10, Jacobs 2-0-4, Perkins 0-2-0-6. Totals: 13-5-5-46.

Genoa 19 8 23 24 74

Toledo Christian 10 23 24 12 69

GENOA: Darling 12-6-30, Eli 1-4-3-17, Inbery 5-1-11, Kontak 2-1-2-9, Robertson 3-1-7. Totals: 23-5-13-74.

TOLEDO CHRISTIAN: Cellier 7-4-5-31, Beauch 5-0-10, Longenecker 4-1-9, Duvall 3-0-6, Segler 2-1-5, Ashbaucher 0-1-1-4, Schad 2-0-4. Totals: 23-5-8-69.


Montpelier 10 13 4 6 33

Paulding 15 15 8 14 52

MONTPELIER: Delong 1-0-2, Thomas 1-0-2, Gearig 1-0-2, Thorp 1-0-2, Davis 5-2-12, Long 5-3-13. Totals: 14-0-5-33.

PAULDING: Gross 5-2-12, J. Carnahan 1-2-4, Kauser 3-2-8, Soffel 3-0-6, Razo 3-5-11, K. Carnahan 1-0-2, Hornish 1-1-0-5, Koenn 2-0-4. Totals: 19-1-11-52.