Sidelines: Spotlight athlete - Emma Ricketts

Emma Ricketts
Emma Ricketts

School: Anthony Wayne

Year: Junior

Sports: Basketball

Notes: Finished second in NLL scoring with 13.9 points per game and sixth in rebounding (6.5); scored 21 points in sectional loss toPerrysburg


School subject: Science

Car/vehicle: Jetta

MySpace, Facebook or Twitter? Facebook

Video game: Donkey Kong Racing

Place to shop: Forever 21

Musical artist: Lil Wayne

Song: “Need You Now,” by Lady Antebellum

TV show: Grey's Anatomy

Movie: Coach Carter

Actor: Channing Tatum

Actress: Julia Roberts

Magazine: Seventeen

Radio station: 97.3 FM

Food: Seafood

Beverage: Powerade

Fast food: Burger King

Can't-resist snack: Doritos

Place to visit: New York City

Athlete: LeBron James

Baseball team: Yankees

NFL team: Cowboys

NBA team: Cavaliers

Person(s) most admired: My mom and dad, Monique and Par

Person you'd like to meet: LeBron James

It really bothers me when ... people lie

In 10 years I hope to be ... graduated from college and working as a nurse

My No. 1 goal this year is ... to be named All-NLL first team

Pregame routine: Nap and then eat Jimmy John's

Top sports moment: As sophomore, scored 24 points in memory of my grandfather who passed away that day

Ohio State or Michigan: Ohio State